How to uninstall reshade subnautica
How to uninstall reshade subnautica

Multiple Reaper Leviathans patrol the crash site.īy the time the Player awakens and begins his exploration of the area, all of the other Lifepods have been destroyed and their occupants have vanished. Upon crashing, the Aurora plowed into the terrain, unearthing it and leaving small sand hills around the ship, resulting in huge quantities of Metal Salvage and Supply Crates being dispersed within the vicinity of the ship, providing useful materials such as Food & Water, batteries, and Titanium.

how to uninstall reshade subnautica

Moments after Lifepod 5 launched, Ryley heard the enforcement platform fire and witnessed a second energy pulse strike the already crippled ship. All the starboard Lifepods were compromised if not outright destroyed by the energy pulse most of the port side lifepods that did launch (pods 1 to 25) were compromised except for Lifepod 5, which contained Ryley Robinson, and Lifepod 4, though it was heavily damaged when a Reaper Leviathan tried to eat it and possibly caused it to eventually become overturned, and other Lifepods whos occupants met other fates. It was thought that the ship's advanced scanning suite, superior to any ship that had previously made a search effort, would have better luck in finding the crew, or finally confirm whatever fate had befallen them.ĭuring a gravity slingshot maneuver around Planet 4546B, the Quarantine Enforcement Platform struck the Aurora with an energy pulse on the starboard (right) side, resulting in catastrophic hull failure and leading to it crash landing on the surface of the planet. Its secondary mission, unknown to most of the crew, was an agreement made with the Mongolian Independent States to search for and possibly rescue the survivors of the Degasi crew. The Aurora was a brand-new Alterra Long-Range Capital Ship (and possibly the first of its class) sent to the Ariadne Arm by the Alterra Corporation to build a phasegate.

How to uninstall reshade subnautica